Home Use of watermarks in Israel stamps in general Thirty-two different type/positions

Stag types/positions

We can arrive upon 32 Stag types/positions thanks to the following:

Stamps are to viewed in a readible position and turned around its vertical axis to find the wire-marking at the gummed side.

The IVb denotes the wire-marking type and position.

The -L, since viewed from the wire side, implies a dandy roll with Stag facing right and vice versa for -R.

The -left, also view form the wire side, implies that the Stag is running left, irrespectively of watermark type [face left/right].

For quick recognition purposes the eight positions - just relative to the stamp face, no reference to how the paper was gummed or fed into the printing press - as viewed from the printed side, will be given as:

a - d     a =  stag facing left
         b, c, d stepwise turning 90 degrees clockwise
e - h     e =  stag facing right
         f, g, h stepwise turning 90 degrees clockwise
               a             b         c            d

               e             f         g            h

Copyright © Rein Printing Matters (Mail to the webmaster Rein Bakhuizen van den Brink)
Last updated on 24 december 2012

Home Use of watermarks in Israel stamps in general Thirty-two different type/positions