Home Walsall Security Printing - Nederlandse zegels / Dutch Stamps Walsall Security Printers en rasterdiepdruk voor Groot Britanni? Walsall literatuur

Telefonisch contact

To:     Walsall Security Printers Ltd
        Midland Road, Walsall           Leiden 22.01.1998
        Mr. Ian Brigham,

From:   Rein Bakhuizen van den Brink
        Nederlandsch Maandblad voor Philatelie
        P.O. Box 749
        2300 AS Leiden

        Dear Mr. Brigham,

referring to the telephone call I had this afternoon, I would be very pleased to receive the articles you've just mentioned to me. As I told you I'm preparing a separate article on your printers house so any illustration that could be reproduced in our magazine will be welcomed too. After having received the articles I will contact you again on the subject of illustrations.

For the Dutch philatelists it has come as a great shock to see Dutch stamps printed abroad. The British too must have had some mixed feeling some years ago when the Dutch firm JESP started printing UK stamps. I think it's all too logical in a narrowing world that technological skills and cost-effective production should prevail over homegrown monopolies. I have a feeling that this booklet production won't be the last venture abroad Dutch philatelists can expect. Especially since I realize that your firm has recently acquired the expertise of photogravure printing using computer engraved cylinders. JESP was only a few years ahead but has now two firm competitors in that field from the UK as well! I realize that you may not be in the comfortable position of being able to comment on this policy aspect but I would welcome it if you did.

As to your suggestion of coming over to see the plant, I would very much enjoy that and I thank you for the invitation, but I have to consult our Board of Directors before any concrete steps can be made.

Thanking you in advance for your kind cooperation,

Yours sincerely,

Rein Bakhuizen van den Brink, AIJP 1200
tel. +31-71-5212950
fax +31-71-5234587

Copyright © Rein Bakhuizen van den Brink
Last updated on 15 mei 2010

Home Walsall Security Printing - Nederlandse zegels / Dutch Stamps Walsall Security Printers en rasterdiepdruk voor Groot Britanni? Walsall literatuur