Home1911 Ploeger - Ploughman - Labrador1917 José de San Martin

1916 100 jaar Onafhankelijkheid - 100 year Independence

nummer / number waarde / denomination beschrijving / description kleur / colour afbeelding / illustration
09.07.1916 100 Jaar Onafhankelijkheid / 100 Year Independence
1916-01 1/2 c - violet / violet / violeta
1916-02 1 c - beige / bistre / bistre
1916-03 2 - bruin / brown / pardo
1916-04 3 c - groen / green / verde
1916-05 4 c - paars /purple / purpura
1916-06 5 c - vermiljoen / vermillion / bermelión
1916-07 10 c - groen grijs / grey green / verde gris
1916-08 12c - blauw / blue / azul
1916-09 20c - ultramarijn / ultramarine / ultramarin
1916-10 24 c - roodbruin / red-brown / pardo rojo
1916-11 30c - wijnrood / claret / borravino
1916-12 50 c - grijszwart / grey black / gris negro
1916-13 1p - blauw en rood / blue and red
1916-14 5p - grijs en groen / grey and green
1916-15 10p - violet en blauw / violet and blue
1916-16 20p - blauw en karmijn / blue and carmine

Rein 25 Apr 2009 08:51 I had the impression that in the first group of this forum the major definitives were dealt with!?

Or do the somewhat longer commemorative series belong here too ?

What are the criteria?

Rein Posts: 1971 Joined: 13 Mar 2009 16:59 Location: Leiden, Netherlands Top Re: Is this a commemorative series???

by zakur 25 Apr 2009 22:36 Rein:

This is a commemorative series. I have not opened the topics of the forum, but I asume that the topics are opened for the most rich series, philatelicly speaking. This is a long and interesting series (as "Centenario de la Revolución de mayo - viewforum.php?f=53 ", so it deserves a topic altough not a definitive one. Rein: Esta serie es conmemorativa. Yo no abrí las carpetas para cada tópico, pero entiendo que se abre uno por cada serie que sea rica filatélicamente (en variedades, etc). Esta es una serie larga e interesante (como la de 1910) y por lo tanto, merece un topic aparte.

Best, Pablo http://www.albumdeestampillas.com.ar http://albumdeestampillas.blogspot.com

zakur Usuario Colaborador

Posts: 959 Joined: 17 Sep 2007 12:21 Top Re: Is this a commemorative series???

by Rene.Jacobsohn 29 Apr 2009 11:03 Hello Rein, hola Pablo

This is really a very beautiful and interesting issue. According to Antonio Deluca, volume 1, pages 371/372, the Head Office of the Argentine Post by decree of July 1st 1909 limited the validity until December 31, 1910. These stamps were used in great extent for frankings to foreign destinations. This provoked a complaint by the Belgian post. The Argentine Post replied that the stipulations of the UPU Congress of Rome, art. I, paragraph 2, was not applicable, because the duration of validity was longer than just 1 or 2 days and that the issue also served as replacement for the ordinary issue of 1908/1909 (San Martin in Oval) comprising all face values. This was confirmed to the UPU on August 4, 1910, thus putting an end to the incident. Therefore, this issue is simultaneously a commenorative and ordinary one.

Esta emision realmente es muy linda y interesante. Segun Antonio Deluca, tomo I, paginas 371/372, la Direccion General del Correo Argentino por decreto de fecha Julio 1° de 1909 limita la validez para el franqueo hasta el 31 de Diciembre de 1910. Estos sellos a menudo fueron usados para el franqueo de correspondencia al exterior que provoco una intervencion del Correo Belga. La Direccion General del Correo Argentino, por comunicacion de fecha 4 de Agosto de 1910 a la UPU aclara que esta emision reemplazaria la serie ordinaria (San Martin en Ovalo) de 1908/1909 con todos sus valores faciales asi que el art. I, parrafo 2 de las estupulaciones de Congreso UPU de Roma no serian aplicables, lo que puso fin al incidente. Por esto, debemos considerar la serie en discusion simulataneamente como conmemorativa y ordinaria. Cordiales saludos,

René Rene.Jacobsohn Usuario Verificado

Posts: 37 Joined: 19 Apr 2009 13:14 Location: Zurich / Suiza Top Re: Is this a commemorative series???

by Rein 29 Apr 2009 14:11 Thanks Rene!

But my question referred to the 1916 set not the 1910 Centennial of the 1810 revolution. I was going to ask the same question about that one as well so your answer is fine before time In that period commemoratives were not yet allowed in intenational mail, but completely according to the UPU rules the Argentinean PO had the colours restricted to just one for 3 values! Green for printed matter, red for postcards and blue for letters abroad! The 3c,5c and 12c are therefore different from al the other bi-coloured stamps! The AR PO apparently knew they were issueing a definitives set to commemorate an important event. Shrewd tricks!

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Last updated on July 28, 2018

Home1911 Ploeger - Ploughman - Labrador1917 José de San Martin