Home1992 Paddestoelen - Fungi - Hongos2000 Inheemse kunst - Native Art - Arte indigena

1995 Vogels - Birds - Aves

nummer / number waarde / denomination beschrijving / description kleur / colour afbeelding / illustration
Kleiner formaat - Smaller size - Tamaño pequeño
Offset-druk - offset-litho - offset Casa de Moneda Chile
a. papel oscuro, neutro, goma verdosa - Harrison papier / paper /papel - gecoat papier - witmakers in de coating / coated paper - OBA in the coating / papel tizado con blanqueadores en capa
b. papel blanco, neutro, goma blanca
c. gele kleur fluorescent, witte gom / yellow colour fluorescent, white gum / color amarillo fluorescente, goma blanca - gecoat papier - fosforescentie in de coating / coated paper - phosphorescence in the coating / papel tizado con fosforescencia en capa
d. papel neutro, goma blanca, mata
e. papel blanco, con fluorescencia, goma blanco brillante
1995-01 0.05 CMYK
a 01.09.1995 !
b xx.xx.199x
1995-02 0.25 CMYK
a 01.09.1995
b xx.xx.199x
1995-03 0.50 CMYK
a 01.09.1997
b xx.xx.199x
1995-04 0.75 CMYK
a 01.09.1995
1995-05 1.00 CMYK
a 07.10.1995
b xx.xx.199x
1995-06 2.00 CMYK
a 07.10.1995
1995-07 2.75 CMYK
a 07.10.1995
2e type / 2nd type / Tipo segundo
1995-08 0.05 CMYK
c xx.xx.199x
1995-09 0.10 CMYK
c 22.02.1997
e xx.xx.199x
1995-10 0.25 CMYK
c xx.xx.199x
d xx.xx.199x
e xx.xx.199x
1995-11 0.50 CMYK
c xx.xx.199x
d xx.xx.199x
1995-12 0.75 CMYK
c xx.xx.199x
d xx.xx.199x
1995-13 1.00 CMYK
c xx.xx.199x
d xx.xx.199x
1995-14 2.00 CMYK
c xx.xx.199x
d xx.xx.199x
1995-15 2.75 CMYK
c xx.xx.199x
1995-16 3.25 CMYK
c 22.07.1998
d xx.xx.199x
e xx.xx.199x

by hac 13 Aug 2008 18:19 De acuerdo a mis listados todos los sellos de Aves (tamaño chico) que se emitieron son los siguientes

1 tirada Goma verde 5 cvos 25 cvos 50 cvos $ 1.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.75

2 tirada Neutros 5 cvos 25 cvos 50 cvos $ 1.00

3 tirada Ph 5 cvos 10 cvos (palabra Rep. Argentina color verde) 10 cvos (palabra Rep. Argentina color azul) 25 cvos (palabra Rep. Argentina color verde) 25 cvos (palabra Rep. Argentina color azul) 25 cvos (palabra Rep. Argentina color verde) 25 cvos (palabra Rep. Argentina color azul) 50 cvos 75 cvos (Diferencia en la Viñeta) 75 cvos (Diferencia en la Viñeta) $ 1.00 $ 2.00 (palabra Rep. Argentina color verde) $ 2.00 (palabra Rep. Argentina color azul) $ 2.75 $ 3.25

4 tirada Neutro 25 cvos 50 cvos 75 cvos $ 1.00 $ 2.00 $ 3.25

5 tirada Tizado 10 cvos 25 cvos $ 3.25

Autoadhesivos 60 cvos Dorso Dover / blanco 60 cvos Dorso amarillo

Tamaño Grande 1 tirada Goma verde $ 5.00 $ 9.40 $ 10.00

3 tirada Ph $ 5.00 $ 9.40

4 tirada Neutro $ 5.00 $ 9.40

5 tirada Tizado $ 5.00 $ 9.40

Bueno esa es la información que yo poseo. Espero sea util. Saludos a todos Héctor

The 1995 Birds with different screens and colours

by Rein 11 Apr 2009 14:53

The 1995 Birds series has, apart from being issued in booklets too, differences in colour of the text Republica Argentina - cyan-blue or greenish blue [mixture of cyan-blue and yellow?] different screens for at least red/magenta and black!

The first 2 stamps at the left have the same screen for magenta and black, the 3rd stamp has a different screen for both magenta and black!

The middle stamp has green made of yellow and cyan! The stamp at the right has a different screen for both magenta and black!

The left hand stamp has green made of cyan and yellow!

by Rein 11 Apr 2009 15:05

The stamp at the right has a different screen for both magenta and black!

The greenish not so clearly made up. And also the black screen seems not to have changed but it has - the angle is about 15 degrees at the right hand stamp.

by Rein 11 Apr 2009 15:18

The stamp at the right has a different screen for both magenta and black!

The greenish not so clearly made up. And also the black screen seems not to have changed but it has - the angle is about 15 degrees at the right hand stamp.

Copyright © Printing Matters (Mail to the webmaster Rein Bakhuizen van den Brink)
Last updated on July 28, 2018

Home1992 Paddestoelen - Fungi - Hongos2000 Inheemse kunst - Native Art - Arte indigena